
Getting started is made easy with the power of MagicOS. It is Flip’s operating system and what provides you access to your brand's dashboard, accessing analytics, an overview of sales results, and access to user reviews and content.

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Everything your business needs

Tap into meeting your audience throughout their entire journey, from initial discovery to final purchase decision. Joining is cost-free and the setup is straightforward, opening the doors for your brand to enhance visibility, engage authentically, and accelerate growth.

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Sales dashboard Track the sales metrics of your brand, find out how many items have been shipped out to your customers, and find ll the relevant data presented in a concise and clear format
Inventory and PO management Review your inventory health, manage stock-outs effectively, and keep an eye on the quantity of your stock as well as your ordered products
Content analysis and tracking Track the performance of all the content on Flip related to your brand. Know which of your products are popular and which ones are reviewed the most
Orders, items and payments Manage your product listings and track your transfers and revenue - All in one dashboard
Ads Program management Scale your brand through our self-serve Ads Program tools, removing all the guess work when it comes to performance advertising

How to get started

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